Limited Time Special Offer...Grab Your Copy
of "Marlon Sanders' Traffic Dashboard" BEFORE
Friday, March 14, 2025
at 12:00
and You'll Get THREE Hot New Bonus Videos:
1 - How to Create A Product In 90 Minutes -- Live PROOF 2 - Email Marketing Funnels From A to Z 3 - Secrets of Driving Traffic Via Your Own Affiliate Program
The Promise: Step-by-step system turns getting traffic to your web site
into a virtual no-brainer.
The Uniqueness: 4 key differences separate the "Traffic Dashboard" from 203,000 other e-books, info-products and other traffic generating systems.
The Guarantee: You will get "wins" and results or your money back.
The Credibility: Based on my formula that’s gotten me millions of unique visitors since 1997.
The 6 Bonuses: You'll get a chance to grab 6 bonuses worth MANY TIMES the cost of the Traffic Dashboard!
Affiliate Program: Pays out 50% on all sales with HUGE CONTEST PRIZES available!
Friday, March 14, 2025
From: Marlon Sanders
Dear Friend,
You start with the first icon.
You click on it.
You follow the simple, easy steps.
Then you go to icon two.
Next thing you know,
your web sites and blogs are rocking with traffic. Dare I say like
It's called point-and-click traffic generation. And it's destined
to become the latest rage to hit Internet marketing. Why? Because
you don't have to wade through videos that drone on and on or read thousands of pages of information.. Instead, you just click the icons and follow the simple, easy
By the way, I have a real business and I've been doing this full time since 1996. I have a support team so if you have problems or questions you can live chat with us here at our support desk.
If you're tired of reading reams of information that is
difficult or impossible to apply, or you simply don't have a lot of time to
watch boring videos, then here's what my new "Marlon Sanders' Traffic Dashboard" will do for you:
1. Walks you step-by-step through setting up your traffic systems without requiring you to watch tedious videos that take an enormous amount of time to analyze, decipher and apply the techniques.
2. Simplifies your traffic generation. All you do is
click and follow the instructions. You don't have to try to figure out
what's next. You just click the next icon and follow the steps.
3. Takes away the confusion. Every step is
clearly laid out and labeled with big, blue numbers. You don't have to try
to interpret how XYZ method applies to your individual situation.
4. Gives you an A to Z system. Everything is
covered from getting your first 100 visitors, to cranking your traffic up to 1000 visitors a DAY, to ranking your web pages in google, to getting traffic to your Squidoo lenses, to killing it with Facebook advertising, to getting ALMOST INSTANT Traffic with VLB's, to secrets of setting up your affiliate program in 60 seconds. You won't find anything else like it
anywhere. Just about no stone is left unturned.
5. Something for you if you're a beginner or advanced student.
My Traffic Dashboard is designed for beginners -- but I've included a few steps for advanced students, like the icon on the Ultimate Epiphany, or ramping up from list building to placing on leader boards to joint ventures and product launches.
6. Gives you confidence. The entire Traffic Dashboard
is based on my experience in online marketing since before the World Wide Web
existed. You can check out the Alexa ratings on my web sites as proof I know what I'm doing. Chances
are, you've seen or read about my Push Button Letters software, The
Amazing Formula and/or my entire "Dashboard" line consisting of 7 different dashboard products.
7. Visually demonstrates what to do with screen
captures. A picture is often worth a thousand words. So I include
plenty of screen captures to demonstrate the different steps, without
overwhelming you with needless details or endless screen shots. I've
struck a balance to make this simple, practical and useable.
If you're sick to death of trying endless traffic generation methods that don't and never will work... then it's time to simplify your traffic generation methods with the "Traffic Dashboard".
Point 'n Click Traffic is the Newest, Simplest
and Easiest Way To Ramp Up The Visitors
To Your Web Sites and Blogs!
What's different about my new Traffic Dashboard is you don't
have to watch hours and hours of videos You're busy. You're probably dealing
with information overload. And confusion from all the different methods
taught by more gurus than you shake a stick at.
My goal from day one when I launched The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy was to make your products and services sell like
crazy. And it still is.
The Amazing Formula was arguably the very first 100% digitally
delivered ebook sold on Internet marketing to my knowledge. I've
sold thousands of copies of it. Since then, 203,000 ebooks have been
published and promoted on the subject, more or less. (I typed "ebook
Internet marketing" in Google.) Not only that, I've created and rolled out
20 products and survived in this business since launching The Amazing Formula.
I'm not a "one-hit-wonder." I have not dried up and blown away like
others. Nor did I spring up yesterday without credentials and proclaim
myself an expert. I wrote sales letters full time for a living prior to
Internet marketing -- and was highly compensated for doing so.
Anyway, the problem is information overload. There are so
many systems, ebooks and sites with so much information, I believe you could spend the rest of your
LIFE reading all the books and trying to come up with a practical plan of
Forget all that. Can you point? Can you click? Can you follow simple step 1, 2, 3 instructions?
Your goal is to make money and sell your products and services.
Not become a marketing professor. Right? OK then. Let's get your
show on the road.
The New "Marlon Sanders' Traffic Dashboard"
Turns Getting Visitors into a Virtual No-Brainer!
Each icon on my new Traffic Dashboard links to a set of steps. Following the steps is practically a no-brainer. Each step is clearly labeled with large blue
numbers. And many steps are illustrated with screen captures. Plus, with each main step I've provided an audio walkthrough that you can listen to right then and there.
Your goal is to create an ongoing stream of traffic to your sales pages, landing pages, affiliate pre-sell page, blogs or mini sites. Not become a professional SEO expert. Right? OK then. Let's get your show on the road.
4 Key Differences Separate
The Traffic Dashboard
From Other Solutions!
There are 4 important differences
in the "Traffic Dashboard"
You point, click and follow the steps labelled by the big blue numbers.
No need to read volumes of information here. Follow the big blue numbers and look at the pictures. All important points are illustrated with screen captures.
You'll get an A to Z system that covers everything.
I give you simple steps for getting 10% clickthrough rate on your articles, obtaining a 40% opt-in on squeeze pages, finding cheapo banner ads that pay off big time, adding a secret sauce to your Squidoo lens that causes it to outrank others, getting 800 subscribers in 30 days, recruiting affiliates from scratch.
You get nano-second current information.
The Traffic Dashboard is current to the nano-second, including the Google Farmer update. I've spent the last 2 to 3 years researching virtually EVERYTHING in the Traffic Dashboard, so you can feel confident in following my steps. Not only that, but I've modeled many of the steps after my friends that I personally know who are leaders in their respective area.
The MAIN thing is, if you follow the steps, you WILL get wins and results -- guaranteed.
Here's the deal: I'm all about WINS and RESULTS. When you get a "win" it means you get something done or accomplished that you were struggling with or were stopped by before. The whole goal of the Traffic Dashboard is to get you taking bite-sized steps that get you WINS and traffic.
And these wins will fuel your motivation and drive to do more. Why? Because you aren't just reading. You're doing. You're getting stuff set up. Stuff done. And you're getting traffic.
And while I don't represent that the average buyer can or will get traffic, because I have no control over who buys or what they do, I DO guarantee your money back if you don't get traffic. Fair enough?
Here are just a few of the goodies
included in The Traffic Dashboard
• How you could go from 0 to 1,000 visitors a day in 6 months -- or less.
• How we got a 22.9% clickthrough rate on our ezine article resource box.
• How to go from 20 visitors a day to 500 with correct on-page SEO.
• How a friend of mine built a 6 figure business using ONLY Article Marketing!
• How I recruited 32,000+ affiliates with almost all free methods.
• How to get backlinks the easy way.
•Complete A-to-Z article marketing system that took Sean Mize from
scratch and built it up into a full-time living in 12 months (and how to predict your OWN income 12 months into the future)
• The stunning NEW Wordpress plugin that lets you have a 100% commission "7-dollar-ebook" type program up and running in only a few minutes. If you can install a plugin, you CAN have this bad boy running asap.
• The 14 unspoken secrets of recruiting affiliates.
• How to become Platinum on in short order.
• How to get your very own widgets for lead generation, market research, and more!
• How my friend ramped up a blog to 4 milion visitors year.
• A 5-step plan to go from scratch to 1,000 visitors a day -- without paying for traffic.
• The 3 things you need to do in 30 days to get up to 100 visitors a day.
• How we outsource the article writing CHEAP so I didn't have to type even one single word myself!
• How go BIG by scaling up from VLB's to Ad Swaps first.
• How to How to use the "Composition Index" Secret on Google Ad Planner that gives you access to the REAL good deals others.
• The incredibly potent social media methods used by the top 20 most subscribed of all time "you-tubers" that you've not heard diddly about -- until now. Daily Booth, Tumblr, Tiny Chat. We got it all!
• A practical plan for getting 200 to 300 new optins per month. (Plus how to build a GENEROUS INCOME from those subscribers.)
• Discover my Secret Epiphany that may be the most profound thing you've read about the web or marketing. You'll never -- ever -- worry about how to get free traffic again.
• The scoop on the latest "Google Farmer" update and how to sort out the hype from the truth (Base your opinion on real facts, not marketing hype)
I'm hoping that BY NOW you realize my new Traffic Dashboard is worth every penny of the one time low price, and more. But perhaps you haven't
heard of me and you wonder what right I have to produce the Traffic Dashboard. I apologize for the self aggrandizement. But it is necessary to demonstrate the
credibility I have for coming out with a product such as this.
I realize that you may not know me, but look at all the people who've already bought the Traffic Dashboard.
If you're wondering if we know now to get traffic. This domain ( is brand new but it's received many visitors in the short time it's been active.
Why The Traffic Dashboard
Is Worth Much
I can't possibly even tell you how much time, energy and research
I've put into creating the Dashboard. At my $1,000 per hour consulting
rate, (yes, I DO get paid that), I've probably put $100,000 of my time into
researching and creating the Dashboard. Just one idea, trick or secret could
easily pay for it.
The "Marlon Sanders' Traffic Dashboard"
is Selling Like Crazy To People All Over
the World... Including YOUR Competitors!
Now that you've seen how many other people have grabbed a copy of the "Marlon Sanders' Traffic Dashboard", just take a moment to check out the "Quadruple Your Money Back Guarantee"
I Guarantee You WILL Get Wins & Traffic
or You Get 100% Of Your Money Back
I really am in this business to help you
succeed and sell your products like never before. So if you don't win, I
don't win. If you don't get results, I lose. If you aren't happy, I'll
refund your money. Plain and simple.
In addition, you get my OUTRAGEOUS
A "WIN" is when you do something you couldn't
do before. Or you get a key chunk or step finally out of the way. I
absolutely, unequivocally guarantee you WILL get wins and results far in excess
of the price, or I'll refund every penny of your money within the first 60 days.
This is an unconditional, satisfaction guarantee.
Having said that, as with ALL my products, I do not represent you will
experience profits as I have nor that the typical or ordinary buyer of
this or any of my products makes substantial income. I have no
control over what people do or don't do with my products. So while your
income is NOT guaranteed in any way, your money back IS guaranteed if you are
not satisfied.
I rocked the Internet world when I offered a
triple-your-money-back guarantee on The Amazing Formula. Now, it's
even crazier. I'm offering a QUADRUPLE your money back guarantee.
Take the Dashboard. Follow the icons. If it doesn't work for you,
then I'll give you quadruple-your-money back anytime in the 2 months following your order. That's how confident I am
you will love the Dashboard. Read the details here.
Just Two Sales And Your Copy Is Free
The associate program pays out 60% commission.
While you don't make a commission on your own purchase, you make 60% on all
sales after your own purchase. Therefore, only two sales means your copy is
If you purchase the product you make commissions beginning with your 1st sale. If you don't own the product you make commissions beginning with your 3rd sale. This is a sales requirement, NOT a purchase requirement. (See details in the list of bonuses below.)
The associate program signup is at if you aren't an existing associate.
Order Before Midnight Tonight
And You'll Receive
These 5 Killer Bonuses...
Bonus #1: An Interview with Sean Mize (#1 Ezine Articles Author)
Sean Mize is the #1 Ezine Articles expert author, with over 24,579 articles!
For the 1st time publicly, as far as I know, Sean reveals every single critical number, and metric about his business! Including CTR rate, cost per optin, profits, the whole ball of wax.
In fact, he pulled out his numbers and his spreadsheets and a calculator and reviewed the indepth results of 1,187,287 article views, at the time of the interview.
Then he goes on to explain how he went to $0 to $4000 in 6 months, then $10,000 after 12 months and lays it all out step by step.
Bonus #2: The 2 Minute Traffic Trick Conference Call
I'll demonstrate live, how to get traffic to any web site, blog or page in as few as 2 minutes. Plus I'll show you 2 other super fast ways to get traffic to your site.
Bonus #3: Actual Keyword Rankings
See the rankings of 50 mixed long tail keywords, and which of these ranked HIGHEST in Google for those words: Social bookmark sites, document sites, youtube, article sites, amazon squidoo hubpages, ezinearticles, goarticles, press release sites.
At a glance you'll know which keywords ranked and which didn't, for which sites!
Bonus #4: 30 Day Trial of my Ultimate Automation Program!
You'll receive a completely FREE 30-day trial of software program that lets you launch your own business in one hour. (No credit card required for the trial!)
At last there is a software program that does practically everything for you.
It keeps you from getting bogged down in technology and lets you focus on marketing your product and making money.
This new program:
1. Takes orders for you
2. Sends a series of follow up emails to customers
3. Signs up people to resell products for you
4. Tracks associate orders
5. Drops new associates in an autoresponder series
6. Gives you unlimited autoresponder sequences
7. Has built-in ad tracking software
8. Processes credit card orders in real time
9. Manages your mailing list for you
10. Sends out surveys and puts answers in a database
Allows you to move your whole business to a new ISP in a flash
Much, much more
Before this program, automating an entire business took weeks or months. You had to hire a programmer and so forth. It was tough to integrate autoresponders, your associate program, real time credit card processing, a list serve and a shopping cart.
This program does it all for you. Best of all, it'll cost you less than several sequential autoresponders. And it'll save you a ton of time in trying to put all these systems together.
You get a 30-day free trial. The cost to purchase depends on the features you want.
Bonus #5: The Right to Earn a 50% Commission On This Product
You have the right to sign up and make560% commissions with your first sale.
That's correct. Purchasing this product at retail entitles you to resell it for a 50% profit. I figure I can either spend money on advertising or give it to my customers. Two sales and you're already in the green.
Now, you can become a reseller without buying my product. But I don't recommend it. You make no commissions on your first 3 sales. Your commissions begin with the fourth sale.
Bonus #6: Webinar Recording of the Traffic Dashboard "Quick Start Conference Call" covering 16 traffic methods.
Limited Time Special Offer... Grab Your Copy of "Marlon Sanders' Traffic Dashboard" before the deadline below and
get 2 webinar recordings of the Quick Start conference calls.
The quick start webinars will walk you through all 16 traffic generating methods in the product.
The Traffic Dashboard is accessed 100% online, thus it works for both Macs and PC's. You'll get INSTANT access. (You will need access to the Internet to use the software and some of the tools that I recommend.)
To order the Traffic Dashboard just click the link below. You can pay using any major credit card or your PayPal account balance.
Limited Time Special Offer...Grab Your Copy
of "Marlon Sanders' Traffic Dashboard" BEFORE
Friday, March 14, 2025
at 12:00
and You'll Get
Three HOT New Bonus Videos:
1 - How to Create A Product In 90 Minutes -- Live PROOF
2 - Email Marketing Funnels From A to Z
3 - Secrets of Driving Traffic Via Your Own Affiliate Program
Yes Marlon, I've decided to TAKE ACTION and grab the "Traffic Dashboard" so I can boost my traffic!
I understand I'll be part of an elite group getting access to the most thorough, up to date, inclusive traffic generating system available today!
I am going to get my very own membership to the Traffic Dashboard for turning my current business into a thriving, growing, and profitable traffic magnet!
I'll get UNLIMITED 24/7 access to the product -- so even if it's 2 A.M. I can generate myself some traffic using the methods in the system!
In addition, you'll give me the time limited BONUSES to use, even if I decide the product isn't for me and ask for a refund.
I'm ready to grab my Traffic Dashboard for ONLY $59.97
If you need help ordering just click the SUPPORT link at the top of this page and we'll help you out by Live Chat or you can post a support ticket.